What began as a cool place to sit...

Angel Mendoza
ShuttleCloud lounge

Earlier this year, my teammates Marlee and Ric began an endeavor to reimagine a piece of the office that we were not using fully. A corner we used for desks and a little bit of clutter. Thus, the challenge began by manually disassembling the furniture, adding two couches and a rug, filling it with beanbags and plants, and forcing everyone to call it the chillout zone.

ShuttleCloud Office Space

The aim was a space designed to promote relaxation, creativity, and socialization among us. It's where team members can take a break from their workday, recharge their batteries, and connect with others.

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It's been an excellent spot for impromptu meetings, brainstorming sessions and gather ups. Then came the idea of installing a projector (not a simple task), another great addition to the space. We use it to take a break from work and enjoy entertainment, showcase our ideas to our colleagues -- or watch Real Madrid beat Chelsea in football.

The shelf with lots of plants is a great way to add some greenery. Plants improve air quality and have a calming effect on people (see Chelsea losing above). Add that to the abundance of natural light, making the room feel brighter and more inviting.

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So what began as a cool place to sit has become our favorite part of the office, and it is not for a lack of meeting rooms.

not us watching The Crown
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