The Data Transfer Project (DTP)

data protection screen on a laptop

The Data Transfer Project (DTP) is an open-source initiative that aims to provide a common framework for transferring data between online service providers in a secure and user-friendly way. It was launched in 2017 by Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Twitter to make it easier for users to move their data between different online platforms.

One of the main goals of the DTP is to give users more control over their data and to make it easier for them to switch between different online service providers. With DTP, users can transfer their data directly from one service to another without going through the process of downloading and uploading files manually. This can be particularly useful for users who want to switch to a new service but don't want to lose their data.

DTP is based on open standards and APIs, which means that any online service provider can use it to enable data transfer for their users. This allows users to quickly move their data between various platforms, including social media, email, cloud storage, etc.

DTP is an open-source project, meaning anyone can contribute to its development. If you're interested in getting involved, you can learn more on the DTP website:

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