The Day We Launched a Rocket in the Workplace

Sometimes your job will challenge you, it’ll make you go above and beyond what’s expected of you, to do things you didn’t sign up to do. Galaxies from your original role description.
But these are the things that are going to make you a more experienced person and shuttle you towards the unknown.
If you think we just migrate Emails here, then think again.
We also send rockets into the sky. Well, higher than the office and in a more environmentally friendly way than the common exploration. It just takes teamwork, water, air and a bit of manpower…
It started with an idea (as most things do). To connect with our potential clients in a different way than an ordinary email.
To cut a very long story short, we decided to send rockets to a specially selected group of people who we thought would benefit from our email migration tool.
But before you send a rocket by mail to someone, there are a series of safety checks and tests which need to be applied.
You should know that we take our work very seriously and this perfectly measured experiment was essential in the progression of our careers, but sometimes you just need to get away from the desk and have some fun!
With that said, Rocket Science isn’t easy and things don’t always work the first time you try. But after some true team perseverance (see what I did there), we had success with the third attempt!:
The first one needed someone with a science degree to assemble it. None of us have one of those.
With the second attempt we managed to get it off the ground! A staggering 50cm.
And the third one. Well watch the video to find out…
Jeff Bezos, eat your heart out! I’m just waiting for my offer from NASA.