Bolster onboarding into business email through simple email migration

The user journey begins at the beginning. Rocket science, I know. If your company's vision is to provide an excellent customer journey into the cloud from the get-go, start at the beginning --> by onboarding their email.
Here is a breakdown of the business email space and how adding easy to use migration tools can help web hosters, email providers, resellers and email adjacent businesses onboard more customers:
- Very small businesses (1-10 seats): These typically make up ~75% of the total number of customers in the business email space. There are millions of potential customers, and offering an end-user driven migration tool will significantly improve onboarding. VSBs do not have an IT admin and are almost always migrating from consumer email providers like Gmail, Yahoo,, etc.
- SMB and mid-market (11-1000 seats): This segment makes up ~20% of the total number of available customers and is more varied. SMBs don't typically have an IT admin either, so they really benefit from a self-service migration tool. Mid-market companies often move from Exchange or similar on-premise solutions.
- Our platform provides support for business email providers such as G Suite, Office 365 & Exchange, and can easily support other legacy email solutions.
- Large (1000+ seats): This is a small number of companies, but it represents significant potential revenue. The biggest hurdle for adoption is change management and the complexities inherent in migrating tens of thousands of users. We've found that using a self-service tool like ours, companies and organizations with very large user bases find it much easier to migrate. Below are links to the self-service interfaces we've built for some of our biggest clients:
- - Google Workspace migration portal for Harvard students (offline)
- - Google Workspace migration portal for Stanford students (offline)
- - migration portal for Time Warner Cable (offline)