
Webcentral successfully migrated and retained their paying customers from Microsoft 365 to a new OX platform. Here's the story.
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Written by
Ryan Butler
Published on
July 17, 2024
"We migrated Webcentral's Microsoft exchange customers to Open Xchange with above 89% retention rates achieving a gross margin contribution of 90% For the record... best practice is 85% retention for migrations so I am impressed with ShuttleCloud exceeding market benchmarks. A stoic dev team with impeccable patience. Very grateful, thank you and well done."
Ciarán Carroll
Investor & Trusted advisor to CEO of 5G Networks


Webcentral, a leading Australian web hosting provider, had been offering Microsoft 365 (MS365) as their primary email solution for a decade. However, they were planning to launch a new on-premise email platform, OX, and needed a seamless solution to migrate their existing user base. Additionally, a portion of their users were on an essential MS365 plan that wouldn't carry over, adding complexity to the migration process.


ShuttleCloud partnered with Webcentral to develop a user-friendly email migration strategy. This strategy addressed the key challenges:

  • Migrating from MS365
    ShuttleCloud leveraged the Microsoft Graph API to automate the provisioning of new OX accounts, mirroring existing MS365 accounts.
  • Legacy Email Platform
    The solution was designed to accommodate users on the legacy platform, ensuring a smooth transition for the entire user base.
  • User Acclimation
    To minimize disruption, the migration process included a short period (a few days) where users could access both their MS365 and OX accounts simultaneously, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the new platform.
  • Phased Rollout
    Webcentral aimed to finalize the migration solution within four weeks and launch it a month later. This eight-week timeframe allowed for a gradual rollout, minimizing user impact.


The ShuttleCloud-powered migration solution provided Webcentral with a seamless and efficient way to transition users from MS365 and the legacy platform to their new OX email system. This resulted in:

  • Reduced User Disruption
    The user-friendly migration process minimized confusion and downtime for Webcentral's customers.
  • Simplified Management
    By automating account provisioning and leveraging existing APIs, Webcentral's IT team was able to focus on other critical tasks.
  • Successful OX Launch
    The smooth migration ensured a successful launch of Webcentral's new OX email platform.

Partner with us!

The Webcentral case study exemplifies ShuttleCloud's expertise in providing secure and user-friendly email migration solutions. We can help you seamlessly transition your users to a new email platform, regardless of their previous platform or specific needs. Or we can help with a large number of email challenges.

Contact ShuttleCloud today to discuss how we can simplify your next email migration project.

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