Google EduOnAir - University Data Migration by ShuttleCloud

A couple weeks ago we had the opportunity to speak on data migration for education at Google HQ in NYC. The full webinar is below, followed by a recap for all you time-strapped cloud professionals.
This talk was focused on University IT Administrators, and how ShuttleCloud's migration portals for universities provides a turn-key solution to managing massive amounts of student email data.Specific case studies mentioned during the Google Hangout include ShuttleCloud clients Harvard, Stanford, and Georgetown, with mixed use cases ranging from self-service migrations at the pace of individual students to near overnight transitions from one domain to the next.As campus-hosted data continues to increase in price and decline in reliability, the demand for cloud products in education will soar to new heights. ShuttleCloud is staying ahead of the curve by providing solutions that fit the needs of higher education with both technical precision and practical price modeling.Find out more about ShuttleCloud's cloud solutions for colleges and universities.